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Friday, January 18, 2008

Humans!I've MOVEDDD!
I've left this blog to rot a g e s ago.

9:26 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

i hav no idea wth happened 2 blogger..i onli noe tt ther's no dont OR colour i can choose): weird..but nvm..
tis is gona b SO short ok?
anyways..ptm was okay la..mrs foo jus went on n on n on n on n on......n i was holding bak mi luffter like crazi..
oni did badly 4 chi and maths..aiya HECK la..gtg nows bbs..

4:05 AM

Friday, March 02, 2007

came to post again..lols..wanted 2 ytd..bt den i so tired..i dun even wan 2 touch e comp..XD..i did la..chatted..frenster-ed n stuf..4 1/2 an hr nia..THEN SLEPT ~~ sat nth 2 rite..so i post bout ytd lor..XD

was nt realli tt gd..bt wth..nvm..strt frm e strt..
arrived in sch(duh)..waited 4 e same few ppl..jermaine wanted 2 go calss ther 1st so she went n i stayed wif carrie etc.den hui min n carrie went..n i stayed on until 2nd bell..

went 2 class ther..den assembled outside e home econs rm...e prefect had 2 force us 2 sit cos we dun wan 2 sit near e bell..n i tt day suay suay sat jus BELOW the bell..nearly went deaf..den readin period read my strybk..

after tt got lectured by tcher..say dono wad standard eng thing..wasnt listenin..den after tt is err..err..err..PE..pratciced one last time b4 i gt tested..gt lvl 2..(: hehe..im nt a pe person (:..den after tt nisa..i dint watch her la..den after tt i watch grace play..she's pro la..e cher miss her hits leh..(:..she gt lvl 4..LOLS...immediatly cos she hits near the line there..pro rite?

den after tt is lit..so sian la..ok fine..its ok la..lit is lit..nt realli interested in tt tho..den after tt recess..ate...cos i so hungry liao..den aassembled at e parade square..

history cher came so l8..luckily e sun nt v strong so its ok la..den she told us e ans 4 FEUDALISM..den filed..frm 10 mins 2 1/2 hr//

den e last lesson of e day..
mr wong..i don like u at all..HOW DARE U SAE TT SENTENCE?!?!?!
strt frm e beginnin..he was teachin..we were tokin among ourselves...den suddenly he shouted..sae wad makes a weak person n a strong one..den after tt he said..
" its ok if ur frm sengkang pri..its ok if ur frm holy innocent's pri..its ok if ur frm nt the top schs in singapore..SO WAD U R FRM ROSYTH>!!!im so gona kill u..
all mi pals r frm ther..all mi fave tchers r frm ther..all mi happiest memories r frm ther..HOW DARE U..atrocious..i hate u i hate u i hate u..and even tho i don like e principal..i LOVE e sch...

den BAND..den go hme..gtg lers...bb..

u r mi sunshine..mi onli sunshine..u make me happi..wen skies r grey..u nvr noe dear..how much i <3>

6:59 PM

Thursday, March 01, 2007

bak to post(: so sian nowadays..angeline specifaically told me not to link her cos she don wan mrs foo 2 read her posts..see mrs foo? blogs r usually out of bounds 2 tchers XD ( don kill me )

sorry 4 not postin 4 so long..its been a long day almost everyday..so if u see me looking sad or depressed..it usually means im tired OR i'm realli sad or depressed..but anyway..if u c me wif mi head on e table..it usualli means tt im so darn tired n wl usually be lethargic n cranky..nt a gd time 2 disturb mi..jus let me slp la..onli wake me up wen tcher come in..

was fine...school's forEVER school...cos well school's school..(:
band was band too..other than the disgusting thing tt mi flute got a hell lot of zuo wei's condensation..EWW..as in it dripped out frm e other end of e flute..YUCK..so i cleaned it..with my CLOTH!! nvm la..don care de..xin li say jrs is like tt de..den after tt i go tuition..so sian..kip almost dozing off..): nth 2 write bout ytd..

is ok la..came 2 sch..1/2 frozen..den got alt of warmth frm mavis's got milo (: saw hao jie at e opposite table..LOLS..n he's tokin so loudly..cn hear frm wher im sittin..copied err..carrie's geog..didnt bother 2 do..im so gonna fail geog..nvm...i'll catch up soon enuff..(:

had reading period in e class..(: 4gt 2 bring mi storybk..luckily jas hav RD..can lend me (:hehes..den IT lesson..completed the MY CAREER thing...dots..i put desginer...and thats wad i realli wan 2 be la...its like so fun..(: btr than a 9-5 job anyway..

then eng..4gt 2 do the 5 sentence question..luckily mrs foo good mood..if not hor..i sure kena smth frm her de..either scolding or smth else...HENG AR..mrs foo u evrytime liddat i happi le (:

den recess..almost froze 2 death..(:hehes..then after t is geog..but then tcher nvm cum..so i heng heng can slp while dpin the ws,s,,HEHE..then science..tcher teach again..then got sudden test..wah sian...lols..

ok don wan2 talk animore..BYE..

jus realised tt i still love u..even tho i tried 2 4get..bt i still do..

1:42 AM

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

been so lazy 2 blog nowadays...partly bcos..im frenster-in more now n partly bcos im cumin hme l8 almost evryday..PLUS..since i got my journal back..ive been writin a hell lot..
not gonna say anythin bout e past 2 days..jus gona sae bout tday...

came 2 sch..n carrie isnt dere..n i was like..OMG..am i tt l8?!?!?
turns out tt she walked here...=.=
den soon..widhiah came..or eunice..whichever la..
den jermaine..darrel..
almost made darrel tu xie..cos we don wan 2 go bak 2 class...

then MASS temperautre takin exercise..
n e steps if lyk..IDIOTIC..put ur thermometer into ur mouth under ur tongue..

anyways..SCHOOL's forever school...

then after tt go 77th street pierce mi ear...
then go macs n eat..den grace left..
den carrie..bernice..jas..me went library..supoosedly 2 do our hw..
bt we ended up chattin..den bernice hav 2 go..i help dem take care of e bags..jas n carrie send her 2 e mrt station..

then after tt we went burger king...chatted until 7 n we still don wan go hme lor..but then we takin bus so we walk dere..and we still don wan go..): so sad..
gotta go le..bbyes..


u made me wana cry wen ur sad..make me wana luff wen ur happy...bt as 4 now..im happy tt ur talkin 2 me..

4:10 AM

Saturday, February 24, 2007

bak 2 post!! (: hahaha..tday was..err..fun!
tis blogskin cnt hav capitals..weird..-.=..n i jus realised..0.=
anyway..tday was err..busy..(:

woke up at 10 which was an achievement liao..lols..
came down and played comp..wad else..
went frenster-in n helped darrel ask arnd 4 contributions..now we aimin at muslim ppl..4 cooked food..so tt e rest of e muslims cn eat..bt so far hav none leh..bt now im dependin on faiz..siti..n sharifah..bt dey haven ans..): i implore u guys (new wrd learnt in lit)

den went 2 mr goh's hse 4 pt...
came..n saw a bunch of p6 poi ching studs..n fish of course..
he wore e same stupid shirt...lols..
den nichols kept askin hus ther..n i was like..=.-..
but he came.tiffy too.

me n fish n tiffy went crazy n walked e whole blocked..marchin ncc style..kk fine 4 awhile nia..oni tt retarded fish marched..(:lols..4 awhile nia..bt decided 2 go bak aniwae..

den we went out again
to fetch lianne..mei mei..cass..n of course ezbon came oso la..bt he came earlier than dem..so he followed us ther..he and fish were makin a hell lotta noise lor..den mei mei dey all finalli came..

n the whole troop of us went up 2 mr goh hse..we were lyk..SIAO..nvm..we were anyways..den we kept drinkin e curry..
soon i gtg liao ..so e whole troop of us went bak..

took 72 hme..CASS..i saw u..!!!!

ok gotta go le..gotta do mi hw n such..BYES

forgettin u is harder than i tot...i realised tt its so difficult..

6:23 AM

Friday, February 23, 2007

back to post again..(: today was FUN!!..
ok fine nt exactly..but nicer than the other days..

didnt go..but i ended up playing badminton with darrel..lols..HELP..im gonna die 4 pe test nxt wk):

went ava room..but the air con like got no air con liddat.): hais..useless..cant believe the results i got 4 lit..nvm..don care bout tt la..then mrs foo talked..or NAGGED 4 tt matter..but at least i was listening..(mrs foo..DONT KILL ME FOR THIS XD)then got our ezlink cards..i DON even look like me..): cos i had my hair tied up and stuff..LOLS..then went 4 recess..10 mins nia..cnt eat ..can oni drink..

WHY ms sazryna mus announce my structured essay answer..WHY ms sazryna mus announce my results..): so ps lor..STUPID!!!! AAAHH!! but nvm..i did well 4 mi history(even tho i tot i wrote crap ):)

was okay la..just the usual..i listen until GONG GONG 0.0..nvm..i fine day im gonna yan jiu tt liao..but tt ONE FINE DAY can be nxt yr..XD..

went yoshinoya and ate..I DIDNT SEE ANITHIN AT THE LRT!! (:
then we were talkin bout *koffs**koffs* (don worry its not u mrs fooXD) then leme see..jasmine went bak home..carrie and xin min and me and bernice went back ehh..no stil got one more girl..but i dono her name ):..then carrie..xin min and tt girl go red cross..bernice met nisa and then we find table..i sit down do hw..bernice readin anime..and nisa looking at us do..

was funny lor..we kept luffing..dono y today alt of ppl siao siao de..INCLUDING ME..and thn desmond tap tt time hor..my chair can vibrate wor..so funny la..(:(:...
then e cher say mus complete SKYlearnin passport (so lame)..and i nid 2 prepare $30 4 band uniform (: lols..borrowed my instrument..

waited for li hua 2 finish the nco meeting..then me jolyn and li hua went 2 macs to eat..the way li hua eat so cute..lols..
then jolyn left and sent us the same sms..(: and we sent the same bak..

then wen li hua finish eating..we go off lor..called my dad 2 pick me up..then i went 2 buy earsticks..(:lols..at montip...and when i come down my dad stil not there..i saw meng liang etc. and zoe (:

ok gotta go le..BYES

whenever i think of u..i wl feel like cryin..

6:29 AM


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