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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

i duno how long i never blog lerx...but overall..this post is about wednesday..

slept..ALOT...on wednesday..woke up at 1030...miracle..rite??then came down 2 have breakfast..den go 2 e comp and go zwinky...it rawks...thats for sure...went 2 wardrobe..and got a new outfit...then..went blog-surfing...and then..erm...i cannot remember lerx...overall...i ate lunch...then went to e comp 2 chat with louisa...and then i saw the time..and i was like..SHIT!!! i forgot e time..i gotta meet dem at 4...and i nid 2 leave e hse at like..3.15...so i rushed n stuff..

so i went 2 e bus stop..and guessed wad..i missed e bus..and den it rained..and my slippers the grip smth rong..so i was like..waddling 2 e kopitiam...and i came l8..guess wad...THEY WERE L8R!!!and i was like....=.=.......i tot i was l8..and u were l8r...

then went 2 hougang MALL not POINT...cos grace say dun come so early...then wen we went ther..grace called and said we cn go lerx...and we were like...lll...aniwaes..decided 2 go buy bubble tea...den went 2 grace hse,,,

reached ther..and onni and e guys were ther..luffed at bryan...TEEHEE,,..and then played wad's dat called arhx??i duno..oh heck.anyways..its like pas e parcel..wen e music stops...the person holding it wl have 2 open wad grace had took 10 hrs of wrapping...and do e task inside..i was e 1st..xp..not gonna say e task..then i think we played 1/2 way.then we started aiming at e boys...XD..then we stopped playin and jermaine and sum other ppl made water ballooons..and i was in e clubhse takin fotos and irritatin e boys...

then...we ate dinner...then after i see the chewed and mashed up bits of the food inside that si guei jetaime's mouth...i lost my appetite...then went 2 take drinks...and then grace sis fren chope our seats...and we were like..=.=...and then went 2 play water bomb war...OUTSIDE e condo..cos we cnt play inside...then there was a plastic bagful of water balloons whcih was damn heavy..had a hole...so we had 2 hand carry them..on our quest out..alot of dem dropped and burst n e floor...then 'gentlemen' boys dint even do anithin...so in e end we forced dem 2...e STOOPID security guard came and told us 2 pick it up...

then wen we finaaly reach outside..e gals threw it at e guys..lol..then e wettest was bryan..cos after e game...ther was stil water in e pail..and we wanted 2 pour it on bryan which failed..then jet stil had somemore..so ..by e time e boys came..and i thre e last 1 at bryan..hit his stomach...sry arhx..

den we go inside e clubhse..still wet...2 get our clothes..i nvr bring xtra jeans...so had 2 bear with e 1 dat is wet...den we went playground and played blindmice....we were guiding dem..saboing ppl...XP...usually e victim is bryan..or weitong...whichever 1....then we play and den its time 2 cut e cake...once dats over...we ate e cake..and stuff...den went back 2 e playground..bt we dint play blind mice...bt jus sat round n talked..some went 2 waddle inside pool...i ended up on the monkey bar...almost kicked bryan on e face..sorry..haha..watched him play gts...isit>>dunoe la
den e damn wei tong went 2 shake e thing and as usual..i'm still acrophobic..so i was holding the monkey bar real tight..and then came down and sat don a rock near e ppo and daydreamed...lol..then grace say go upstairs..but i dint...cos my dad cumin lerx..

so me , bryan , jeramaine and jet w8ted at e playground...my dad came 1st..so after dat bryan..i think...i duno..anyways..HAD A BLAST!!!thanks grace...

good luck 2 all p6 studs...today (thursday) on e release of results..

6:06 PM

Monday, November 20, 2006

this is a dedication 2 high school musical....my addiction..

so i should first intro dem...XP...
ZAC EFRON as troy bolton
ASHLEY TISDALE as sharpay evans
LUCAS GRABEEL as ryan evans

so i shall 1st tok bout my all time fave...ZAC EFRON...

all thanks to: http://www.zefron.com
Full Name: Zachary David Alexander Efron
Nickname: "Hollywood"
Birthdate: Sunday, October 18th, 1987
Age: 19
Sign: Libra
Hometown: San Luis Obispo, California
Height: 5'9" (about 180cm)
Parents: David and Starla
Siblings: Dylan, 14, "insane"
Pets: Two Australian Shepherds, Dreamer and Puppy, and Siamese cat, Simon
Biggest Fear: Zombies, sharks, "The Ring" girl


all thanks to : http://www.vanessaannehudgens.net

Name of Birth: Vanessa Anne Hudgens
Date of Birth: 14 December 1988
Place of Birth: Salinas, California, USA
Height: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Horoscope Sign: Dragon
Parents: Greg (fire fighter) and Gina Hudgens
Siblings: younger sister, Stella
Ethnicity: Filipino, Chinese, and Latina (from her mother) and Irish and American Indian (from her father)
Pets: a dog (Shadow), three turtles, fish and a bunny


all thanks to:http://www.biggeststars.com/a/ashley-tisdale-home.html

Full Name: Ashley Michelle Tisdale
Birthday: 07/02/1985
Birthplace: West Deal, New Jersey, USA
Occupation: Actor
Sign: Cancer

all thanks to :http://www.lucas-grabeel.com/lucas.php?facts
Name: Lucas Stephen Grabeel
Nickname: Mr. Go-Get-Em
Siblings: One sister, Autum (24)
Pets: his sister has a maltese-poodle named Lilly
Writing:: Left
Birthday: November 23, 1984
Sign: Sagittarius
Age: 21
Born in: Springfield, Missouri, USA
Now Living: LA, California with his sister and her boyfriend, Brock Seyler
Height: 5' 7" (about 174 cm)
Weight: 140 pounds (about 63.5kg)
Skills: Singing, guitar, piano, drums, dance, vocal percussion, sound effects, accents

okay...tt is their profile..although i did cut sum parts..that isn't nided..i think..and added on sum like e weight and height..anyways..these are e things dat i cnt w8..

>> vanessa 's debut album...released in america lerx..so mus w8...
>>ashley's album...released in america early nxt yr..
>>hsm 2 ...released nxt yr..but d8 nt confirmed..bt i think by e time i reaches spore..it would b 08 lerx..

10:25 PM

Saturday, November 18, 2006

this post is also dedicated to my friends...but this time the boys...and my all the p6s and some p4s and stuff from the band..(in random order)

# EDMUND : kinda close to him i guess...he tells me about..*coughs* *coughs*...about what she does and stuff...i will miss you talking to me about *coughs**coughs*

# JUSTIN : umm...not that close to him..the only time is the social studies project..which he did obviously nothing...

# KOH WEE : i will miss his taunts...that is..IF he taunts onni and stuff...so..sorry onni...and our chats...with cheryl chia and jetaime..

# DON TEO : i die also won't miss him...that spoilt brat...no point making friends with him..he is DAMN arrogant...and stuff...

# WEI TONG : not close to him...so i don't know what to say...but overall..will miss him..

# HAK JIN : i totally don't know anything about him...except the fact that i call him si fei zhu..sfz...the music sign...but i will miss calling him that..

# JEREMY : my good pal...we got close only during the perth trip...all i gotta say is...i will miss chatting with u

# BRYAN : my good pal??anyways...i must say he's kinda petty..he like to curse people and stuff...and he is a jerk..sometimes....will miss you cursing and swearing...looking foward to see you in your geeky hair cut...

# JUN WEI : i don't even know anything about him...

# YI XUN : my friend for...3 years?? and fellow class ambassador till i stop from being one...haix....

# DON KOH : the siao person...don't know what happened to him...but i don't know whether will miss him ornot....most likely no..

# DAVID : i don't know him that well...except for the fact that he's blur sometimes...

# HWEE MIN : hiya ham chee beng...hehe...

# JERYLL : i don't talk to him..so naturally i don't know him...

# DARREN : the act gangster buay gangster...act cool buay cool kia..

now for my band pals..

# JIA HUI : my dear old junior...went through toture and joy...thick and thin...i really missed the times...when you were still a junior...when we played with the alarm thingy...or motion sensor...and the times we laughed no reason at all and ordering each other to polish the instrument..i've known you since you were p1...so 4 years already...will miss you lots...will try visit the band as much as i can ok?

# LYZEL : one year my junior..u p3 then join the band right?became enemies for a while..then patched up...and now...complained about the torture in band.. I WILL MISS YOU LOTS...especially when we complained about band torture...

# LIANNE : my dear old lianne..haven't see you in ages...ever since you went brisbane..and u didn't come for the end of year concert..haix...its been ages since we last met..but i certainly hope you'll come for monday's practice..MISS YA..

# WEI LI : i will still see you...known you since we were like..5??anyways...since we are quite near each other...i should be able to see you..but i miss the times...when we practiced for tribute and truimph.digital prisms..

# JOSEPH : hiya josephine...we only got close to become pals during tribute and truimph and can't take my eyes off you...when ilaughed for having to stand up and play haha...and he turned laughed at me for my flute solo....and then he pouted when mr aw canceled tribute and truimph..

# CASSANDRA : joseph's junior..we spent hours laughing at him..don't know why..but we love laughing at him..and making him angry...XP XD

# MING JIAN : my friend since p2...willl miss laughing at you...when u ATTEMPTED to play the clarinet..and played until your face turned red...but no sound came out...so damn funny...

# ZARIEL : join at the same time..will miss the time when we ate together at the same table and your chinese medicine flying into my food...

# CLAIRE: will miss you overall...too much to say about you..but very hard to describe...

# LAURA : ah..this gal...very cute..very bubbly..and has turtle that looks like mochi..will miss your voice..

# SITI : my pal...with me..and jia hui...we form the trio..we go everywhere together...most of the time...but since we're in a different section...i spend more time with jia hui..

# EUGENIA : i sure will meet you often...confirmed...we stay so near to each other..how's kibe?

# NATALENE : my junior...the very very quiet and introvert gal...had a hard time to make you talk...just like jia hui when SHE was a junior...i hope u follow in her footsteps..open up and become chatty like us now..

# RUTH : my other junior...the very very chatty and extrovert gal..the opposite of natalene...and just like me..and much better than je lynn and kimberly..my other juniors..okay..i'm getting biased...

# YSABEL : laura's junior's junior's junior...haix..she likes to call me snail..don't know why..
i just realised that ruth and natalene have a lot in common with jia hui and me...for example..natalene joined the band when she was p1..and ruth p2..just like me and jia hui..

3:04 AM

Friday, November 17, 2006

this post is dedicated to ALL my pals and enemies and stuff like that in 605...i shall go by all the names..by class register..for gals only..i cannot remember the boys...so boys..is in random order.

# ALICIA : although i wasn't that close to her..i do like the time when we were in the same group for social studies...with all the bickering and stuff...i sure do miss us bickering...

# BRENNA : i wasn't really close to her...in fact..we only talked once in a while...but i do miss your appearance in class...

# XIU ZHEN :one of my okay friends...i really don't know what to say about her..haven't talk to her in a long time..

# CHERYL WOON : ah..once my enemy..also the key points of my teasing when bryan and her were a couple...and then enemies after awhile because..somehow i don't like her character..now we're ULTRA good friends

# CHERYL CHIA : my all-time pal...she is well...bad tempered (no offence) at sometimes...we had a blast when we watched scoop...at plaze singapura...these are the memories that even money cannot buy..

# JYNN CHEE : my all-time enemy...well..not really larx..but i don't really like her..(no offence) but i do miss hating you...haix..i'm crazy..i know..

# ESTHER : not very close to her..never talked to her in a very long time..so i really don't know what to say about her...but she is quiet and stuff..

# XIN HUI : my pal ??? i don't know larx...she's neither a friend or a pal...in between i guess...we had a good time last year or this year...cannot remember..gossiping about other people..i mean people that we used to hate..

# GRIZEL : my dear spending queen...what i can i say about you..ah...you had a movie marathon and is crazy about korean dramas...miss your ultra boring talk about korean dramas..but heck..although its ultra boring..i will still miss it..

# JESSLYN : my crazy friend...who likes to match make people..thank god we are leaving school...ok..joking only..i miss the fun we had together...did we have fun in the 1st place?

# JAMAINE : don't know her that well...

# JOLETTA : my all-time enemy....the hatred is fading away...but there still is hate...so i do miss hating you...no offence jo..

# GRACE : my on-off pal...i was once angry with her becasue she lied to me...hahax...thinking off it..i was actually kinda childish...but after awhile.. while many people started hating her...i actually got CLOSER to her..now..we are ULTRA good pals..and a true one at that...haix...miss ya..

# JETAIME : my siao char bo fren...i will miss the times when we laughed...and laughed...and laughed..and laughed..and most of the times..for nothing at all...until now..jet..u wana go to IMH...i accompany you there...then i go home...

# SINYI : ah..the cute gal..with alot of fats on her cheeks..i will miss pinching you..and regretted not pinching you on thursday..haix..

# XIU WEI : erm....what should i say about her...very difficult to describe.....umm...i btr not describe..cos i reallie dono how 2..

# LOUISA AKA PIGGY : ah...my fellow pig... my big pig sister..i think i kinda copied her...(sry pig XD)..we only known each other for 2 years and only two years and what we do and what we love or hate is very very coincidental..like...she was my sister's buddy (canteen buddy)...both of us are like..addicted to hsm songs...and we both are kinda psycic..we can 'see' what the other is thinking..sometimes..I WILL MISS THE CUTE AND BUBBLY GAL ALOT.LOTS

# WING YIU :weren't very close to her either..but i do enjoy the times we spent together..

# CHERIE :not that clos to her...but she is erm...generous??

# LILING : once enemies..last year..patched up and are now VERI GOOD PALS..she likes to play or in that case mess my hair up..i dono why..but i will miss the times when i got irritated and told you off..:)

#JING WEN :got closer during the perth trip..she likes to 'rang bu' giveway to other ppl one..i dono why..

# MAGDALENE :not very close to her..so i don't know what to say bout her..

# BRENDA : panda...the official goofball..she's very gong at times..but very fun too..like when we play heartattack..lol..and stress and uno..aiyo..will miss you

# GEOWYNN : this girl is..quiet..the opposite of me...somehow introvert but i will miss you..miss the time both of us sat on the chair and did the perth project together..

# TRICIA : my enemy last year..cos i tot she was acting cute..which i despise...but now we're great friends all becos of the perth trip..

9:04 PM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

haix...in a matter of days...there will be a tearful farewell to all classmates and teachers...except mr siva...i will never ever miss him...on the contrary...i am relieved that i'm leaving the school...so its a 50/50 sorta thing..but i die also will miss my classmates...except for some...anyways...HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ROCKS!!!! okay i better shut up...

purposefully oversleep so that i won't have to wake that maggot(my bro)...u wake him up...and then u walk out..go back in and he'll be snoring...like a pig..so he's worse...haix...anyways...plan went perfectfully...i woke up..go to the toilet and bathed...in 10 mins do i have 20 mins more before the bus come..

so i went to my bro room to get my socks...and guess what...he's snoring on the bed...i blew my top and told him to wake up..actually i didn't tell him..i pushed him off the bed..hehehe..i'm so evil...

then i came to school..went into the general office to take to attendance and then ms jau was like...STARING at me...didn't your mum tell you not to stare at people?!?!?! omg...ugh..enough about that...then went up...daydreaming while climbing..and ended up on level 6..and i was not even tired...so next time when i need to climb up the stairs... D A Y D R E A M !!!

came into the class slumped on the desk and S L E P T....then ms jetaime lee woke me up...ugh...jetaime..people want to sleep der lehx...anyways....during the national anthem...i was controlling my laughter..and grace looked kinda irritated...so grace...if your irritated...i'm real sorry...i'm suffering frm OBAE..remember>(OVER BOERDOM AFTER EXAMS) then i wrote in sin yi's autograph book...then suddenly claire or clare>>> i don't know how to spell...came to tell me that there is band practice....i was like..YIPPEE!!

left at 0920...and was still the earliest...funny right?mr aw specifically told us to come 15 mins before...so naturally i came early...then mr aw was late....surprising right? then CO use the music room...and then...mr aw told me to take my cloth off the case and put into my N E W flute...i was like...did he just say N E W flute??so i said..WHAT?!?!?! i mean as in unbelievable...in a positive way...and then..i was like...OLE OLE OLE OLE....and took the flute in in x2 the quick time...is was..S.H.I.N.E.Y...0.0...i was staring at it...speechless...then i snapped out of it and took it outside...and help jia hui to put in cos she's not there...then tuned..and stuff...warmed up...and guess what..i AM playing tribute and truimph after all...XD...so happy...even though i gotta stand up in the middle of the song to play solo...haha..flute section is the HAPPIEST section...woots~~~

then nearly fainted during the practice..of starvation..i was...famished..then finally we can eat lerx..and then came down for practice...and then we reluctantly put our instrument into the cupboard...so we like...standing infront of the cupboard..and said...byebyebyebye...see you tomorrow..and lyzel and wei li and laura...expression was =.="'.....siao people..haha...anyways..now i'm here...that's all i gotta say..sayonara

12:04 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

hiya..came to blog again...haix..just realised that i came to blog because i am so damn bored...i just realised that...before PSLE..i was like ," AIYO!!!PSLE FASTER OVER CAN OR NOT...HOLIDAY COME CAN RELAX!! " and then now... "AIYO!!WHY HOLIDAY SO BORING ONE!!!NO HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL SO CHAM !!! aiyo...why nobody want to volunteer their high school musical argh..my mum don't want to buy leh...aiyo..aiyo...okays better stop if not horx..my whole post will be about it...but maybe i should dedicate one post just for that..okay..SHUT UP DENISE!!! i am getting psychotic...please mind my behaviour..i'm suffering from OBAE...over boredom after exams..


woke up at 5.45 am because of my nerves AGAIN...

aiyo...trust mr aw and the 8 other schools to choose a date when we got full dress rehersal..for some pre-camp thingy..which i didn't go because..last year got a lot of ultra-talented people...so i didn't go..which was a blessing in disguise..because on that performance thing..they had to shake their backside in..LOL...

overall...i HAD to play solo for all the songs today...aiyo..why my section so little people one...then i still got two more JUNIORS..but they are really juniors because they haven't promote yet..my other junior however..got promoted when she was P2 i think..end of year at band camp...eh no..P3...so i'm 1 year more senior than her..teehee...

mr aw is so bad one...go cancel tribute and truimph...the song rocks larx..then we p6's have to play the song although we just learn finish..but we haven't memorise yet..but very unlikely that they'll call us to memorise..because there's simply..TOO much to do..and TOO little time...but then again...i will be happy because..i don't have to stand up and play in the mic...but it really rocks..you guys should really listen to it...its like..SO majestic..SO truimphic >my own made up word..but also SO dramatic at the same time..and i'm not ashamed to say that..almost all the dramatic part is i play derx...cause its suited for the flute..anyways..got humiliated because of the darn uniform..

after the performance..we came down and kena scolded by mr aw first for not sitting properly..not me..but the juniors..i'm proud to say that we seniors are trained to sit up straight on performances...then we seniors kena scolded for not scolding the juniors for not sitting up straight..but its not my fault..how do i make my juniors sit up straight and not move while i'm playing!?!?! anyways..thank god the didn't scold me..and then he scolded us for playing so lousily..

AND THEN..we kena scolded by ms chan because some people forgot that today got full dress rehersal and forgot to wear the full band uniform or they forget to come altogether...so ms chan scolded like hell like that..and then she said about the consent forms..which was way overdue for those who didn't go to perth..so thank god its not me..then overall..we kena scolded a lot of times..i really hope that we won't go through the tedious 'attention' training..in case you guys are wondering...it goes like this...we sit straight and not move. for 2 hours..at least....but once you slouch they will slot a drumstick behind your back..and when you move unnecessarily..you will kena punishment...10 star jumps for senior and 5 for not-so-senior ones...

okays..that's all for today...sayonara...nitez..

5:33 AM

Monday, November 13, 2006

hey...came to blog again....okay fine...i'm kinda lame...no correction..is super lame...okays...better not continue...anyways...i'm listening to>>THE START OF SOMETHING NEW..the next song is>>>CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU...

overslept...woke up 0915...so rush to bathe...lol...then skipped breakfast..and took a bus to school and then go to the bus-stop near the kopitiam..was the earliest there...reach there at about 0950...then geowynn then jetaime...then we went to tricia's house...we decided to do about the school visitations...anyways...we start the power point...and we did..with a hell lot of distractions..but i was one of the few who stayed there to do the powerpoint...because i want to go home...to listen to high school musical...haix...especially breaking free....halfway through..we go ate lunch and burnt my tongue because of the juice in the fish fillet...then continued...and then once we're done...we go play..then erm...ah..jing wen's dad came..then i come back lorhx..i'm still listening..but now is breaking free...

OMG..tommorow i gotta the darn walking christmas tree uniform...JIU MING ARH...nvm..gotta go polish my shoes lerx..byebye..

1:17 AM

Sunday, November 12, 2006

*hums* breaking free...

until now..i'm still addicted to high school musical...haix..i really want to watch...can anybody lend me?? argh...i can't wait for the sequel...argh...okays enough of high school musical..if not i'll miss it 100 times more than i am now...haix...okays..DENISE...SHUT UP!!!

woke up at 10 something because of my one and only(thank god) brother...haix...he likes to wake me up for fun...anyways...came down to have breakfast

...then erm..i cnt really remember...bt i know that i went back to sleep because..i'm so damn tired..

then my sister woke me up for lunch..then got 'requested' to go to my old hougang house to help...i knew that 'request' was too nice a word...so its actually an order..so what i did there...was go into 1 of the rooms...on the air con and savour the air con...haha...

anyways..came back...and erm...ah..rip breaking free...the start of something new...bop to the top...can't take my eyes off you..what i've been looking for...when there was me and you...and then sent breaking free to pig..

then listened to the songs over and over again..then went gain city to look at washing machines...and in lesss than 5 minutes we came out..i know =.="'...then went to eat dinner...then came back and chiong to the computer...

then ermm....i cannot remember lerx...ugh..this is making me go crazy..so tatas...oh ya..bryan blocked me again..to think that he's still a jerk >>>bryan..if ur reading this..no offence..i'm just saying what i feel about you..

5:43 AM

Saturday, November 11, 2006

don't know what to blog about leh...nothing THAT interesting happened..okays anyways..
this morning..i also don't know what time i woke up...then came down to use computer...

chatted with Joseph...which came as a surprise when he said that many GE people also hate OML...he is SO arrogant...SO irritating...SO act smart...and all the other bad things and more...he thinks that mainstream students like us are ...one word..D.U.M.B....which i totally disagree...he also thinks that his sister shouldn't mix around with mainstream student in case she gets dumber...which she is not..you can't get dumber just by hanging around with mainstream students lar dumb dumb..enough about him...

anyways..after that i ate breakfast...then listened to high school musical..although i listened to it while chatting with Joseph..i'm addicted to high school musical...and beginning to think that audition is getting kinda boring...but i'll go back to playing after a while..

after that...my sis went and took the computer away from me...she say that i play very long...oh heck...then went up...attempted to memorise tribute and truimph..but ended up decorating my file...now its nearly all hsm...o^^o...while i was happily listening to breaking free..my dad barged into 'my' room..sorta..i share a room with my aunt...why can't he just respect my privacy?!?!?! i can't wait till i get a room myself..ugh...anyways he called me to go down to have lunch..after lunch i went back up and continued listening to breaking free...and then re-listened it...

then >>>i forgot...

anyways..my father went bonkers..which i don't care..what to do...have to act dumb and stuff..XP...okays gotta go..

1:30 AM

Friday, November 10, 2006

okays..lets come back to what happened on friday..i think..i only remebered that i need to blog about friday..umm...so..ah..tell ya what..i just restart..from the start..okays..so..

In the morning....
let's see..hey..multi-fonting is kinda nice..umm..woke up at 0545 beacause of my nerves...try playing a part solo when you just finished learning the song..but its not exactly solo..cause..my junior's flute got problem..cannot play loudly.. for some notes..that is..so 85% of the melody is played by me..haix..anyways..went 2 bathe..put on my school uniform..but that's when i realised must wear half band uniform..so scurried into it..and gobbled my breakfast...chiong to the flute and polished it for nothing..simply bored..then the bus came..so quickly closed the case and went go up the bus..and got stares by everybody...oh my gosh..i really cannot stand people staring at me..so weird..

in school...
came down the bus and immediatly got stares..like i'm an alien from venus or something..anyways..decided against taking attendance..i look so ugly la..then went to the music room..thank goodness i'm not the first..then slowly..one by one..evrybody came..Joseph..some juniors that are like total strangers..Cassandra..Lyzel..Kimberly..Je Lynn..etc. so in the end..i persuaded cassandra to acompany me to the office to take..but don't have ler..which means i don't have to humiliate myself in class earlier than expected..ms tan chia chih came and unlocked the door and stuff and we tune and me n jia hui played some tribute and truimph part partly 2 vent our frustration..beacuse of the junior..or blur blur derx..call them move they stop..call them stop they move..Argh..then mr aw do whole band tune..and then off we go..sat in this real new min yang bus that stank of new leather..

at the Singapore School For The Visually Handicapped..
tune again..because the temperature different..metal expands and contract right..so that's the reason..was perfectly in tune..which was a miracle..then went in and stood for like erm.. 30 to 45 mins...which felt like 2 hours..to me..thank god is cool..if not i'll faint immediatly..anyways..finally our turn perform ler..then we're done..and we finally can sit down...oh yes..no offence to all choir members >>> read previous post...oh yes..impromtu reflection : i just realised that we're REAL lucky..some of them were born blind..while others are 3/4 blind..which means that they're likely to turn blind when they grow up..but the blind ones are the worse...i mean..they had never actually seen a thing in life..besides darkness...haix..packed up and went back to school..

In School...
got forced by mr aw to take photographs..argh..how many times must i tell them that i'm not photogenic..argh..anyways..once we're done with that..we charged to the canteen...and ate..cause we're real hungry and stuff...then went back to class...then got bullyed by don teo..which i OBVIOUSLY don't care..he like don't know that i totally got used to his bullying and other people bullying me that it dosen't affect me at all..too bad don..then helped ms alicia ang to continue playing cause she had to go...lol..and then...played stress with xz..which after awhile..got no mood...and i was practically roasted already..so damn warm...the polo tee is very thick..and its black..and the fan don't seem to be working...then watched jetaime do 'magic' and don KOH was like cannot believe that we're not cheating..haha..kinda like a sore loser..which i personally think he is..okay DENISE stop slamming people...DENISE SHUT UP!!! better not slam..gotta go..bye..


6:42 AM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

its official...i'm crazy over zac efron...and high school musical..

since this is copyrighted i gotta say..all thanks to:http://myidol.idolonfox.com [for the 'before' picture]

omgomgomg...he's soooooo cute...grace..u hab a pal...teehee^^...i love this font..lol...and that guy.too bad he don't look liddat anymore..he cut his hair and its now like that..for hairspray..and he's gonna put on 15 pounds of muscle..i think he'll look kinda weird..no offence..but i can't imagine..

1 good thing is that he's gonna dye back 2 his usual colour when they gonna shoot the sequels hsm 2/ 3*
*i think
the 'after' picture:http://www.zefron.com (which they in turn said thks to popstar mag)

11:49 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

kkaes...sry 4 nt posting 4 e umm..past 2 days..i think..aniwaes..i 4gt wad happend liaox..e onli thing i rmb ish dat don teo kept shooting rubber bands at mi..which was infuriating..kkaes..back 2 todae..
overslept..as usual..and rushed like hell..gobbled up my food and almost choked...then miraculously..the bus came late..haha..so thank god..and then went 2 take attendance..which i then realised dat..ther is no nid cos ther's no more paper 4 november..and then umm..went up 2 class..and fell asleep on my desk..got woken up by jing wen..haix..2 tired ler mahx..aniwaes..we (jing wen,wing yiu,pig,brenda)played uno until e national anthem started..but e bois were STIL playin chess while e national anthem was playing..and mi grp was bz luffin...and then finish lerx..we resume our game...i 'gamed' 1st..then need 2 go 2 e hall for sec school talk AGAIN!!!omg..y we nid so many..its like..on monday..Seng Kang Secondary School..tuesday..North Vista Secondary School..today Zhong Hua...i was'nt listening cos my sister advised me against goin ther cos they demerit points v easily..and i'm not the goody-2-shoes type..so..u noe larx..then recess...and then ANOTHER talk..by XinMin Sec...at first..i was'nt listening then sumthin caught my eye...hold on a sec..THOSE HU HATE SPOOKY STUFF PLS STOP READING IMMEDIATLY!!!!!!

aniwaes..on a plank..ther was a pattern..and e pattern showed a girl..it looked serene..then i pointed it out 2 pig..jing wen..and panda..all of them could see...and then i was staring at it and could swear that sumthin moved..so i told louisa 2 stare..and then 1 eye opened..i was like creeped out oreadi..and then the mouth open..WIDE...and this time..both eyes were opened!!!and i was like..omg..omg..omg..then we listened..and then looked..for me..it looke dkinda evil..u noe those kind of sly sly cunning cunning smile..and louisa saw another..then we freaked out..as per usuall..then..listened again..and then when i looked..it retuened 2 its serene look..then at e end of the talk..me and pig stared at it..then it eyes jus popped open WIDE...and her mouth opened too..WIDE!!!!!me and pig almost scream..imagine if that happens 2 u...if any of u think that i'm hallucinating...here's a question...how can 2 ppl hallucinate the same thing at the same time??

kkaes...those who rmb..if u wanna noe how many we folded..here's the ans:3 black rubbish bagful..kk..gtg..bye.

12:55 AM


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