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Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new yr again ppl...was painting the hse's backyard jus now..wif 2 "supervisors" supervising us..namely my mum and my aunt..
they were at our ears...saying tt this paint wrongly..that paint too thick...dun anyhow dip the paintbrush into the paint..and stuff like tt..
so me and sis was reallie fed up wif dem..so my sis say..nag somemore.
we ask for salary...we volunteer oreadi..den hao xin mei hao bao..
and i was like ..yeah!$100 per hr...
anyways...i 4gt e whole con bt dey stop nagging after tt..
then we cont. painting..and i kept getting paint on my fingers and hands..
and the paint can FLY!
well nt exactly larhx..
gotta go...

8:32 PM

came to post again...i stil hav abt 45 mins b4 i say a sad farewell to 2006....tis is one of the happiest yr...and one of the saddest yr too!weird..i dun think i make any sense..wad the heck..anyways...lemme see...
ok...apologies 4 anythin i did tt offended u...
and tks 4 wadeva gr8 things tt u guys did..
oh yeah..thanks 2 all chers 4 teaching me..
wow..i'm makin a thank u speech..lolx...anyways...

7:14 AM

Saturday, December 30, 2006

came 2 post again....dun c the use of having a blog w/o frequent posts..
bt i duno wad 2 post abt lehx..ok fine..today is the last day of 2006...hopefully i can turn back time...so sad..i no more p6 liao..
ugh nvm...anyways..slept at 3 last nite..watched high sch musical then sky high..sky high rawks..but hsm rock more XP...
so i woke up at 11...surprise surprise...my cuz came at 9 am..and i was like..huh?
mum woke me up..bt wth..i went back 2 slp..lolx...dey went downstairs 2 watch sky high...lolx..and i watched hsm twics or thrice ytd..so erm...yeah twice..so bored..gt nth 2 say..

7:24 PM

Friday, December 29, 2006

sry 4 nt posting..got hmm..a few reasons..am thinkin bout it..
1:cos of e taiwan earthquake..sorta..many ppl cnt get in..i can but lag like siao..
2:didnt noe wen it'll stop lagging..
3:simply 2 lazy to..
so now..since i hav a mood 2 blog..so i came..<

hmm..went 4 band pract..lolx...went ther jus 2 c mi flute..mi dear dear flute n mi jr n e rest of e ppl..
we did warm-ups 4 21/2 hrs..or more act.
its like..major scales major scales major scales and more major scales...
so sian..
nuthin 2 say leh..hmm..went home and SLEPT..yay..piggy me..

didnt reallie do anything...wait arhx..mus rmb 1st..hmm..
i realli realli cnt rmb..aiyo..rmb ler then tell u

went 2 skss to buy my u..and bks..and stuff liddat..bought 3 blouses and 2 skirts..
my mum expects me 2 wash my blouse evryday...SOBS..
then bought PE attire..then my books..
went home..slept then went 4 band..
i meant ate lunch at e kopitiam..saw mr aw..omg..
went 4 band..gt new score..so happy..music frm cars...gt one part v chim..
hmm...had 2 say farewell 2 my dear dear NEW flute..aww...
kind enough 2 help e nxt person which is either..kimberly...natalene or ruth
unlikely is je lynn..cos she v clumsy
and my new flute costs 2k plus i think..
and its btr grade than e jr's flute...
my mum inspected e uniform..
said tt it was 2 big

rushed 2 skss..cos i nid 2 reached compass point at 11..
changed my uniform..
then went 2 my cuz hse..fetched my cuz
den went 2 compass..
met curtain and erm..liang ming..and e other gal wif alot of names..teng boon..
ah..jus call her oddball..hehe..cos my 1st impression of her is ODD..
went yoshinoya 2 eat..
long story..gotta go..

lesson of e day...nvr ever go j8..its DANGEROUS..

4:31 PM

Monday, December 25, 2006

wanted to post ytd..bt too lazy to..so sry...anyway..ytd..was kinda erm..boring?
it kinda helps if u dun celebrate xmas right?
aniwaes..woke up at 10 plus..then went down at 11..
but i reallie cnt rmb wad happened...
---fast foward---
after lunch...went upstairs 2 watch my girl e last episode of e disc..den watched another episode on e nxt disc..so my dad was like...came into e room and said we'll b leaving at 4.30..and we were like..OK..
bt in e end..we left at 5...and finally reached courts megastore..
a lot of ppl.....
---fast foward---
went 2 look at the washing machine..den i went 2 exercising machines..and dragged my sis ther..we were lookin round..and den so e OTO flabelos..
so we asked our mum 2 go ontop of it..n we were like luffing like siao..den my sis tried it n den my mum pushed me on top...
so after tt i came down...and then we were like..playin wif e rest..siao rite?
---fast foward---
my sis wnted 2 eat tepanyaki (how do u spell tt) ice cream..
bt dun hav..so we went 2 eat..wanted 2 go tampines mall bt my dad dun even noe wher it is..so we went 2 hougang point 2 eat..
went home jus in time for a mil.treasure..
tt's bout all..byes

7:10 PM

Sunday, December 24, 2006

hmm...there's gotta be sumthin 2 blog abt..ah..my hair..my poor poor hair..ugh..poor me..
so sian..mum forced me 2 cut..

and i officially look like a mushroom..
i reallie got nuthin 2 post abt..
oh yeah...i finally knew how 2 change blogskin...without messing it up...so i would b changing it 2 high sch musical..
oh yeah..
once again..

6:31 AM

Saturday, December 23, 2006

hmm..came to post..maybe..i'm multi-fonting again..yeah...i should...crazy me!!!!
hmm..today was..nt that normal..but not that abnormal..so wth..shall post about it anyways..
woke up at 1230pm..bcos of my mum..she woke me up..if not..i would still be sleeping..ugh..
anyways..my cuzzy came..n i knew larhx...
----fast foward---
ate lunch...hmm..wanted to use the comp...bt my mum n bro chope liaox...mum wan2 play maple..bro wan 2 play either rakion..pangya..gunbound or audition..whichever..went upstairs...
wanted to watch my girl =>a very nice korean drama/comedy..i call it dramedy..or isit called dramedy..wth..bt went my sis rm..played wif my cuz's NEW hp..motokrzr..
bt in e end watched RV...then slept again..since i felt tt i didn't hav enough sleep..and 1/2 l8r..my bro woke me up..UGH..y can't i jus slp in peace?and wake up naturally?
anyways..fast foward..went back to slp while my cuzzy went back home..i meant went to her NEW home..yep..the shaunessy(how do u spell tt?)in yishun...town hse..so rich...anyways..SHE GOT HER OWN ROOM!
went out..spose to go courts megastore bt..car park full..so being the impatient person..he say go sumwher else 2 eat..dint bother me much since i wanted 2 listen 2 e radio..
===fast foward===
reached home..read teens..kim jeong-hoon(lee yul in princess hours)is changing his name to john hoon so tt his jap fans cn pronounce..how swt...this is e 1st time i heard of a celeb changing his name so tt is his/her fan can pronounce..
was about to watch my girl when sakana (fish) called..gotta gut feeling that it was gona be him..so i picked up e fone..tk god..if not i die!!...
had a conference with lianne and sakana..almost went deaf bcos of lian..den she gotta go..n me and sakana conferenced with yingxin..and he was like speaking in jap..most of the time insulting me..bt wth..i understand..a lil..hehe..
then all of us gotta go..nt me larhx...was stil watching tv..so they went 2 slp..i continue watching..it rawks..bt e story a lil like princess hrs...bt wth..hopefully..it has a twist...nt like princess hours...bt i duno..
its 0230 now..i reallie gotta go..sayonara ppl..
ps:if u think tt i like sakana and vice versa..ur wrong..just 2 make it clear..2 all sax fone section jrs..i meant cass's jr..get tt across!omg..

10:06 AM

Thursday, December 21, 2006

went to sengkang secondary secondary school..it kinda rawks though..but the discipline master talk very lor-so..so i sit there for half an hour..my leg numb lerx..then we went to out class rooms..which was on the 2nd floor..so shiok..no have to climb so high lerx..OLE..OLE..OLE..OLE..

went back to class..took the IT survey..and the CCA survey..we were told to choose three..so of course i chose band...i intend to continue..if not my efforts for the past 4 years wasted..

so the CCA survey..we were told to choose three CCA's..so i chose..band..library..and girl guides..and then we give the few students over there..then the teacher collect the report book..

after that..we were allowed to leave the class and find our parents..but my dad is no where...so i went back to outside my classroom..borrowed the phone from jermaine..and called my dad..he was downstairs..so went down..back in the car..went home..and the internet connection cannot work...

so i slept..then 3 o' clock woke up and ate lunch and now blogging lorhx..

but i should really tell u the journey there.my father..went the long way..he followed the LRT route..and told me to stop there..and walk..and i was like..SO FAR!what the heck..then i my mum printed the map for my dad to see..and i was real shocked to see ann chiau is actually just down the road from my school..as in really really far down..over the junction somemore..

seng kang sec rocks..
i don't have to tuck in my shirt..only PE...so shiok..

gotta go..byes

11:49 PM


all thx to : http://www.zefron.com
2 c e b4 pics go tt web...thx 2 tt too!

6:32 AM

my 2nd post for the day...
hmm..trebuchet is nice in bold..anyways..since i'm so b.o.r.e.d...
i might as well post right??
--not for the faint-hearted!--
anyway..dedicated to hmm..supernatural?
anyways..suddenly i want to post about this...
and in perfect english spelling..
so ..no offence spirits?
i sound kinda ridiculous but..
what the heck..
in case..
y am i doing this?ok fine..
shall start..

#1 :
my ex-air stewardess cousin told me this...
she went to...lets not name the country..lets say country A...
her crew went A..and there was one floor that was haunted..but it was only for the crew..5* one..
so they went to have a mini-party...
they had drinks..and i forgot who advised them to bunk in..
but my cousin didn't..she slept alone in her own room...
so in the middle of the night..everything in the toilet dropped..
being half-asleep and blur blur one..she went to put everything back into place...
so when she was about to leave the toilet..

she realised that..how come the toiletries will drop for no apparent reason?
so she 'sobered' up and saw the toiletries..vibrating?
so she went to her friend's room and knocked on her door like crazy..
her friend opened the door..looking as pale as paper too..and they bunked in in the end..


they went to country B...her friend..lets name her..G..stayed in one of the rooms..
they agreed at a certain time to meet and go shopping..knowing that her friend G loves shopping..
at that time..they went downstairs..surprised that she was not there...
they thought G went already..so they went themselves..
the next day..
she didn't turn up for breakfast..but they still thought she overslept..
when it was time to go back..G still didn't turn up..

sensing that something was amiss..they went to her room..knocked and nobody answered..
so they took the keep from the reception..
went into the room
and saw her in a daze...she was staring at the window..saying that somebody is coming..
so the told the next flght crew to take care of her..
thinking that she will recover..
but they were totally wrong...she didn't in fact..she got worse..
she went hysterical..and smashed the mirror into pieces with her own fist..and kept shouting "jesus is coming! jesus is coming!could this be a spiritual encounter?
i mean..before you even smash the mirror..your fish will be smashed first right?
so she followed the crew back..but she didn't work..she was strapped onto the bed..
scary right?

can't think of any now..so tata people..

3:03 AM

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

finally..gt sumthin 2 blog abt..its been so sian-ded...haha...me and my past tense..nvm anyways...
hello sengkang sec and bye bye rosyth school...yipee!
i dislike my sch principal..hu dont..oh crap..nvm..tis is nt counted as slamming rite? heck..
so..no offence ppl..

nvm..so i wl c...grace..sinyi...xin hui..yayness...
n ppl..tell me wad sch u guys goin..tag..
tell me k
gotta go ppl..

10:10 PM

Saturday, December 09, 2006

watch this video..its so darn funny hehx....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJU-ZpZUCOA

7:35 AM

Thursday, December 07, 2006

i just realised that...they look cute together...
if they WERE a couple..that is..they look so cute together...right??i mean..they look so compatible...haha..

oh yeah...i'm STILL addicted to high school musical...lolx..

I LOVE ZAC EFRON...more pics of him..lolz
that is him at the Billboards Music Awards...haha..obviously i did'nt go ther and take..haha..no money..
him in 'summerland' he's 17...and alreadi..SO CUTE!!!omg..omg...ZAC EFRON RAWKS...

oh yes...all thanks to : http://www.zefron.com

2:42 AM


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