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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

aiyo...tomorrow got ting xie..so sian..sure die liao..nvm..

monday's band was fine..XD..got so many e1's in band..YAY.
but they only have to come on monday and wednesday ):
but wth..at least i have somebody to pei wo to band..:)
hmm..one SWS guy came..his name is..err..mr rasul?
and we had sectionals with him lor..all the woodwinds..
he's very funny lor..dong di dong di dong di(sax)
so funny..(: hahahahahaha...

then band ended..and by the time i reach home..8 something liao..cannot watch the 7 show ):
not that i get to watch it anyway..
on band days.that is..):
tv addict..MUAHAHA..

then played O2 jam with sebas..
he so pro..wth..
must train harder liao..then i will win him..
one day la..
but the 1st game me and my sis together played with him..
and we LOST..ugh..but wth..
he was thinking how i got so pro..XD..
then my sis play..i do homework..
then my bro play one game
then i played the last few games with him..

after that..
talk to that BHB sakana..
too bad he not in sk..if not he..i mean SHE
will know what BHB means..

then talked to sebas also..
and i went offline..and SLEPT...
muahahaha..tiring day..

today was fine..
got art ca1 though..so sian right?
but at least it was something that i like..
and i anyhow coloured...lols..
and i got 17 for maths..
but i supposed to get 18 de..
because of my very own stupid careless mistake..POO
gotta go liao..byes

12:32 AM

Sunday, January 28, 2007

so sian again..sundays are usually the sian-est of all days because..well..not many people online..and i just go online and go..ugh..sian..

anyway..today woke up at 0900..
surprise surprise..actually i also don't know why i wake up so early..
then went back to sleep at 0930..then woke up at 10=.=

then came down ate breakfast..
and used the comp for uhh..3-4 hrs straight i think..

then played o2 jam with sebas..
and he won me for EVERY game..
siao eh..he so pro..as in really pro..
one fine day i'm going to call sakana to play with him..
muahahahaha..so evil..

then after awhile my sis played wif sebas without him knowing..
and of course he won every game..
then he played bride in dream nx5..which is super duper fast..
and i don't even bother playing..
too fast and too hard liao..

now training on just ONE song to beat him..wakakaka..
ok..end of story..XD

3:02 AM

Saturday, January 27, 2007

changed my blogskin..please comment..

it rocks..too bad i cannot turn back time..
and go for sec 1 orientation all over again..

haix..was flipping through my err..camp booklet just now..
was looking at the schedule..haix..
happy memories flooded into my mind..
as well as those that are not-so-nice..
but it was long forgotten..

is it possible for me to go for orientation camp?
the only way..
is to be a class facilitator..but can i be one??i doubt so..

maybe because i don't have to study..
can't we turn back time..

but now all i can do is to cherish those three days..
who would'nt miss sec 1 orientation camp..

7:54 AM

Friday, January 26, 2007

decided to blog since i have absolutely nothing to do..
other than homework la..so sian..
but then got 6 people in 1E1 in band..YAY!

nothing interesting happened this week..
other than band..ok fine band was band nothing abnormal happened..

but i rather talk about band than class..because..school is still school..
for example..struggling to stay awake during geography lesson..
ignoring starfish ball's irritatingness..
trying to catching up with maths(like i did in p6)..
wishing that PE is anything but torture..
what to eat during recess..

wednesday band was fine..since i went for awhile only..
but there's foot drills..which is nicer than sitting in the music room doing nothing..
but headstart in a new enviroment suck...ok fine..not as bad as last week's
and then i went to band..they having sectionals..
and shortly after foot drills..
then i go for tuition..

friday one was..hmm..okay la..
but got foot drills...and we saw npcc ppl..lols..
then band...with desmond conducting..
because mr lun got err..some eye infection..
then..we ended up cleaning our instrument..
and we went home earlier than 7...lols..

10:32 PM

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hello..nothing to do..absolutely nothing to do..hais..
if that's the case then i shall start about yesterday..

yesterday ar..too tired to blog so i didn't (:
came to school..as usual..but later than usual..
because carrie and jia yi there liao..and jermaine came shortly after..

then assembly..
which was err..not fine at all..
so boring..i had nothing to do ma..

then home econs..
haix..as usual..mrs tan was like..reading out of the class register..
then got the home econs 'file' and i put denise..
and she was like..i don't remember calling denise..
and then she say..your name in the register is not denise..(i wasn't listening)
then carrie also kena..
your name is not carrie..its er jia hui carrie..write that down..
and so did others..
i wonder if eunice also got kena onot..

then recess..
which was fine..i drank water only..as usual..

was the usual boring one..
as usual..nearly fell asleep..
she was droning on and on and on..
and i obviously forgotten what she had said..

then science..
which was ok..i guess..
and until now..i stil don't know what she was talking about
nevermind la..ask from hazimah or julie or something..

then CME..
went for assembly..
some habits of the mind crap..
she just went talking and talking and talking..
and she made us stay back..just because she want to finish the talk..

after school..
ate lunch with xin hui and wendy(i think)
then waited for panda to finish drinking her drink..
and we heng heng got milo from yee hong's mouth..
but i kena a bit only..panda kena a lot..
disgusting right..

then went to the library..
wanted to read..but didn't in the end..
cause i was too sleepy..
-fast foward-

went for band..
which was boring as well..i didn't do much..cos my flute spoil..
to be exact..the school's flute..
then because of that..i didn't play much..
then very sian..i kept fidgeting..
cause i very restless..
then band end ler..
went home...

not going to say anything about today cause..
there is nothing interersting..
gotta go bye!

1:48 AM

Sunday, January 21, 2007

today is totally boring...and since i don't know what to do..i post lor..i'm am officially too sian to say anything...AAAH

people..help!sian sian sian...and i finally remembered the whole flute section...and oboe..
-jia hui (flute)
-tee soon(flute)
-jia en(flute)
-mei en(flute)
-wei hong(flute)
that should be all..i think..and i dono what to talk about liao..

12:51 AM

Friday, January 19, 2007

sorry for not blogging yesterday..too tired to..besides..i reached home at 20.30..i think...
but friday was..okay i guess..reading period was only for 5 minutes..or something like that..
all because of the CCA option form thing...and mr raj was talking about he wants all of us to stay in the same CCA for 4/5 years..and i was looking at the option form and i know my 1st choice is band...but what about the 2nd and 3rd choice..bla bla bla..then he finished talking and we read>>>like i said earlier..then PE..which was absolute torture..ms sem and the E2 PE teacher want to train us for the 3.6km cross country at macritchie resovouir..so we ran 1.2km and then later 800m..which for 1.2 km i just walked for majority of the distance..then 800 m the E2 teacher say if we fall behind him..we have to do extra round..so obviusly nobody wanted to..then it was literature...mrs foo was talking about..about..about..AH BAH's money..yay i remembered!character map..then recess..then history..and i forgot to bring my history homework..luckily ms sazryna never scold me..then she told us about the why ancient chinese men wear pigtails..and it was because of the man chus..then maths..which was cheem..i was excatly like julie..digest halfway vomit out..then school end liao..ate lunch..then went to the library..attempted to read..but i was bored out of my mind..then huiqing..bananna guy and band people came into the library..i put my books back..then i went back outside..and then we were laughing like siao..so we went to where the shelf was..and laughed..then err..i forgot what's her name liao and carrie went away..and i talked to the band people..then band..got footdrills..sian..go parade square..then have to learn how to turn while marching etc.then xinli was teaching me the err...check thing..where everybody tilt their head to their right unless they are the right marker..then sebastian finish playing 'soccer' and then he was laughing when he walked past me..whether he was laughing at me or not i don't know..then i joined them and we marched and stuff..and we had to march on the spot with our legs at ninety degrees!ugh..then practice..but then my flute spoil so D,E,F cannot play..then somemore they playing sunrise..i haven't even learn that song..then because jia hui and tee soon not there i have to play jia hui solo..but luckily she came back..phew..then bla bla then when the tears fell..i keep playing halfway then stop because my flute got problem..then band over liao..was 7.30 i think..then i call my dad to come and fetch me home from compass point..then came home eat dinner..and watched tv..
gotta go liao..bye!
by the way..

6:28 PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

sorry for not posting for so long..
because of ME!!haha..too lazy..
was surprisingly...

then went back to rosyth..
with louisa and grace..
but we were very late la..
then xiu wei and jing wen say we cannot go in..
the IRRITATING principal
set a new rule that ex-students cannot enter school premises
unless its teachers day or chinese new year
diao right..
i really pity the people from RI..RGS..nanyang..cedar..TKGS..st.magarets...dunman high and schools that are REAL far from Rosyth..
cos they from FAR FAR away..go back only to realise that they will be denied access...

cos of headstart programme we have to stay back..
then me..jermaine...carrie and jia yi ate..
and me and jermaine and carrie went toilet..and by the time we reach the class..
we late liao..=.=
then me and julie and jasmine went siao over the dissapointment things..
then the trainer give us 4 posit notes and call us right the strongest 1st impression..diasspointment..challenges and actions..
then me julie and jasmine put..
and i don't understand why..why we cannot bring hp..
then toilet break..
me and julie went siao and sang the school chorus..
then the bananna song..
--fast foward--
end of headstart thingy..

then i changed into my PE attire..
and went to the music room the put our bags..
then i went down to the hall to do..
then i also don't know what they shouting about...
so they have to teach me from scratch...
then we march..
and then suppose to go to the parade square to march..
but RAIN..yay..haha..
so we go music room march..

then i have to go..
and went for tuition..
took me 1 hour and 10 mins to reach there..
which means that i can leave band at 6.30
and not 6 every wednesday..
phew..but i don't think i can do that every week..
then i waited for my mum and bro
to eat dinner...
turns out that my bro is eating dinner at home...
and i waited like siao..
so in the end..i went 711 to buy gulp and skittles..
that's my dinner..(:

then tuition...blegh
then i finally go home...at 10.15..i think..
end of my LONG day...

10:56 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007

ok fine...i'm a little..well..siao now..
let me see..
i got scolded 1st thing in the morning..by the STUPID HOME ECONS TEACHER..
aiya..but wth..i don't care la...
anyways..my friend say that she very bias one..and also very unreasonable..
anyhow scold people..

---fast foward---
school sucks..BIG time...


end of school...yay..
i went to eat..while sinyi..panda and yee hong..and jean(maybe) look for err..i forgot her name liaos..
then i went for band..
and when i came..only got err..4/5 other ppl..
---fast foward---

had to use the spoiled flute..sian..
so we had to play the Bb concert scale 8 counts 4,2,1 quaver and semi quaver..
then sectional practice..
i had to practice like siao..
cos i'm the slowest in the band..obviously..
and then shirley came..
and she tested me..
with the part..
and she said i have to focus on my rhythm and dynamics..

and then went back in..
and i know how to play but i don't know the tempo...
and when i don't know how to play..i panic..=.= rite?
---fast foward---

end of band ler...
those late must do punishment...
10 push-ups..so late 2 wks 20 push-ups..etc.
then adeline was like..SOOOO fierce...scary..
and i only knew her as...well nice..
overall...SHE'S SCARY!!! *roar!*
desmond also scary...ee yer..they so strict de...
then finalli can go home liao..

NOW i hav 2 worry about perfecting 'when the tears fell' even though i have absolutely no idea how the tempo is...
HELP ppl...HELP!
and of course...try to decipher sunrise..so chim..
so many things i nvr see before one..poor me..
or poor my senior..whichever one..

lesson of the day : president of student council OR drum major OR band major are usually very very very scary people..

4:37 AM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

hmm..this should be my 2nd post on saturday..
surprise surprise..
okay fine..maybe because i am so wu liao today..
i learn 'when the tears fell' learn until sian already..
so naturally..i'm very sian today...

erm..today was the most..
err animated chats i have in my grandmother's house..
they were watching the day after tomorrow..

then suddenly..
cousin(RY) : you this year join band ar..

me : yeah..why

my other cousin(RT) : why never change CCA..why not track or guides or something..

me : i can't run for nuts...and besides must put 3 choices mah..
me : besides..i got into band liao...and then the CCA option form i also don't know whether i need to fill it up or not..for the fact that i AM already in band..
me : but if i have to then i anyhow put lor..

me : you in guides right?

RT :yeah..

me: oh..so cute...you stuff your hat on the shoulder thing..

RT : cute meh..

me :yeah..

RY to my ex-skss cousin : you know she go your school right?

ex skss cousin : yeah..

RT : then the uniform what colour one ar..for girls..

my sister : ask him la..(points at my cousin)

my ex-skss cousin : huh?why me..

---fast foward---
RY to my ex skss cousin : you last time what CCA ar..

RT:must be media club..

me : ya lorh..

ex-skss cousin : no la...track..

me , sis,RT and RY : WHAT?!?!

ex-skss cousin : why..cannot meh..last time we play catching i run very fast what..

RT : you got the media club look..

sister : don't brag la

ex-skss cousin : that's really what happened what..

me:i have no memory of our catching days whatsoever..
but i do remember jumping on the chair and falling down...

RT : i hate that chairs...

me :ya lor..

---then the rest i forgot---
but that should be roughly the conversation..
cos my ex-skss cousin need to go back home..
then we cannot continue..
and i had to go too..
so its like..sad..nvm..
i'll just hope that the same will happen next week..

(i translated all that..its in chinese..)

6:01 AM

Saturday, January 13, 2007

ok fine..i'm not as happy as that sounds..
trust me..
my moods vary with the weather..
like rainy days...make me sleepy..
and i'll be crankier than usual..

went to chinatown..
so that my dad can buy his err..clothes..
then we walked around..
wanted to buy a bag..
but..all the bag there are..well..
not my taste...

then we went to EAT..
at the street hawker thing..
yay..ok fine..i ate ALOT..
actually more than what i usually do..
i ate a bowl of wanton mee..
and finished it up..
and then ate rojak and satay..
shared among us that is..
then shared a cup of slurpee with my bro..
then bought 5 chicken wings..
which i ate about 3 of them..
thenwe walked around..
i bought ice cream to eat..
then my bro bought hotdogs..

then we went back to the car..
and we went back home..
woke up at 0930..
surprise surprise..
then learnt bits of
when the tears fell..
my fingers are still..
i can't go very fast..
maybe because i'm going rusty..

then i complete designing
my art portfolio..
which sucks...cos i anyhow do one..

then called hui qi to tell her about homework..

then came down..went online..
and went offfline again..
ok...nothing to say liao..


8:56 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

ugh..srry 4 nt blogging 4 so many days liao..there is something seriously wrong with my comp..i think kena virus liao ):
hmm..mus start on wed..mus mind me ok?
leme see how i can rmb...

came to school..
ok..that is so obvious..
err...waited for grace and jermaine..
as usual..and carie and jia yi oso...

then reading period..
err...i read baby sitter club..
I THINK!i seriously cnt rmb..
then we sang the national anthem in class
cos PA system got problem..

then chinese lesson..
hmm..i really cnt rmb wad happened..
oh..teacher taught us the 1st err..chapter or the unit..
ok..is tt correct?
was surprised tt she oni took 1 hr to finish the chapter..
its like..WOAH...

then science lesson..
looked into my bag..
and realised that i 4gt 2 bring my science txt bk..
or science stuff for tt matter..
bt luckily my theory and practical workbk in class
if not i die leh..
then borrowed sci txt book from jasmine..

i cnt rmb wad happened liao...

then history..
the 1st history lesson of the week
sumhow she noes tt we think tt history is boring..
so she say we must sit up str8 2 prevent us frm falling aslp
which was actualli quite true..
unless sumhow i like history...
then she set expectations 4 us...

maths was..one word..

mr err..sumthing..
was droning on and on and on..
and sad to say tt i fell aslp..
and he didnt even notice..
then he said "SO.... ...."
and i woke up...
seriously..i still duno wad he taught tt day..
perhaps i'm still slacking..ok fine..i AM...

english was..
i cnt rmb...

then ate and then went for band..
ok nt so fast lar..
bt tryin nt 2 b detailed..

anyway the band was..boring..
cos it was generally about instruments..
which i already noe =.=..
and to choose which instruments lar..
hais..then the band comittee members hav meeting..
which means tt we cnt get our bags...
ee yer..

i FINALLY went home..
and flopped onto the bed and dozed off..
so tired..and got tuition sumore..

came to school as usual..
and hui qi didnt come to school AGAIN...
poor her..she's so ill..
so i kept homework 4 her..

then IT lesson...
which was..surprisingly boring..
actualli..sinyi told me liao..
and my comp spoil..so i watched..
err..ah! khairunnisa..and
stuff..and it was finally over..

then we had lit lesson even tho it was english..
was a short film..
and we had 2 err..infer..and stuf..
i 4gt liao..
i am not into lit..

then recess finally..bought err..i 4gt liao..
then julie ate..
and apparently i wasnt hungry lar...
n i realli realli cnt rmb liao..

then geog..
which was boring..
e cher was talking and talking and talking non-stop..
and it was a cool day..
i was feeling sleppy..
and the cher woke me up..so scary lor..

and science again..
tis time i cnt rmb wad happen liao..
so tis is short..

and then chinese...
did the workbook..
was surprised tt i got evrythin correct...
and cher was asking round 2 c hu wan 2 learn chi calligraphy..
and nb wan 2 learn seh..
so i jus say ask my parents 1st..

arrived in school..l8r than grace..
surprising rite?
then went 2 class..and found out tt we're spose 2 go hall..
thn i 4gt 2 bring storybk..
and i borrow frm jia yi..
anyway in e end..
stil kena 'scolding' frm mrs foo..

then pe..
which was height and weight..
and i havent grown!aiyo..
bt surprised tt i oni gained 800 grams..
and then did light exercises..
which wad ms sem said..
was jumping jacks and bouning round..
and doing sit ups..
my idea of light exercise is lying on the bed doing nothin..

then lit..bt mrs foo took it 4 eng..cos ytd she took the eng lesson 4 lit..
and she cleared things up 4 mavis and nurul
hu quarrelled..
bt i duno the exact details..
but how it affected their parents i duno..
and mrs foo told us not 2 make assumptions abt ppl..

and finally recess..
which i obviously oso 4gt liao..
i oni rmb staring at the track ppl...

then history lesson..exellent rite?
so sian..history is one of the boring-est subs..
then i cnt rmb liao..

and finally maths..
got mrs koh teaching..so some how i listened..

and then went 2 compass point
ate lunch wif amanda (my cuz)
then went 2 popular 2 buy stuff..
and then went 2 bread talk 4 amanda 2 buy bread home..
then she bought err..eggs..cha ye dan..
temporarily 4gt e eng name..
then she bought fake shark fins soup 4 herself..
and we took the LRT..bt diff. directions..
cos i go back 2 sch..
n she went home

then BAND!
went and had 2 learn the SYF set and choice piece..
which means tt i going to SYF..YAY!
oh yeah..oh yeah..
simply ecstatic..
bt i duno i 1st or 2nd leh..but i playin 1st flute part..
and i sec 1 only..
how can play 1st flute..
so mon go ask jia hui lor...
then came home..and i gotta go now..
cos..of MY BRO..
he obviosuly wants 2 use the comp..
had been pestering me..
NB..>>>nt so nice language..
XD..byes ppl..

11:34 PM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

came to post AGAIN..hmm..what should i start with first..
went to school..so obvious right?
then waited for jermaine..
assembled at the parade square...
but the PA system got problem..so we went back to class..
and sang without the music..and obviously mrs foo was the loudest..
i think..then we had half hour of reading..and i was reading sing to the dawn..
and its quite nice...and then had to put away our books..AWW...

chinese teacher came..
she was from china..and she was always smiling..
i find it kinda creepy..its like..she is ALWAYS smiling..
and then she was talking to us about herself..where she was from and stuff..
and then she call us to introduce ourself..
then end of chinese lesson..

queued up..
went to the art room...
realised that my class art teacher is the fierce fierce teacher...
and we were like OH MY GOD..die..
and the rules were..
you are NOT supposed to borrow or lend anybody art supplies
students who fail to bring everything will not be able to enter...
and we were like..ugh...

then recess...haha..went to buy my literature book...
then walked pass sebas and hao jie..didn't even bother to say hi..
and they were obviously oblivious that i was there..haha..
and then i went to buy err..a bottle of green tea...not to mention that i saw a girl hitting hao jie on the head..XP
and then grace said that she was hungry..so she bought muah chee..
and stood INFRONT of the bin..and grace was happily eating the muah chee..
and then she cannot finish..i ended up finishing it for her...

then we went back to out class..sit on the bench..
and saw hao jie upstairs...
so we were like..1.2.3...HELLO!
and he waved at us..and then err...
sebas came..i think..i cannot really remember..

then english lesson..
and mrs foo came in..and she had err..5 helpers?
i think..and she made them say something or advice us...
so got one girl she said..
"mrs foo's lessons are sometimes boring..sometimes fun..but mostly boring larh"
and we were laughing..like siao..
then back to lesson..she made us remember the 6 rules of grammer..
which i totally forgot liao..sorry mrs foo..if you somehow came into my blog..
then i we have to complete the homework...

then maths..
i have two teachers..lols..was quite boring..
she was teaching us how to find prime numbers..
prime factorisation..etc.
and then i had to write what i wrote on the board..
i really cannot remember what she taught..

and then literature..
she explained what is literature..
and she gave an example..
i not stupid..
and we did the plot and themes and characters...and characterisation..
then went for assembly..blegh..
then went the principal talk and talk..eww...
and from 2.30 end school to 2.45 end school..blegh

3:49 AM

Monday, January 08, 2007

today was...err...kinda boring...just like any other school day lorhx..
went to school..like any other school day..but came later..
assembled...had prefects at each sec 1 class..

and i said :hopefully either janet huiqing sebastian or hao jie become our class the prefect
then hao jie walked pass me..
so coincidential (how do you spell that word?)
anyway..none of them were..

then flag raising..we sang the national anthem THRICE!
and then finally we sang loud enough..
then the pledge..
and finally the school song..which i know liao..XD

and our 1st lesson was home econs..
which was one word..B.O.R.I.N.G..
the practical was...introducing us to the different equipments in the kitchen..
and the theory is those safety rules..

and immediatly after that..is recess..
and we dumped our bags outside our class..
just because the CHAIRMAN didn't unlock the door...
on the way to the canteen..saw hao jie and sebastian upstairs
me and grace laughed like siao..
because they look so toot...especially sebastian..
srry sebastian again..cause i am typing this while chatting with you...
didn't eat anything just drank..cause i don't think the school food is nice..

then after that is err...geography..
which don't even sound appealing...it sounds like..
some chim stuff that i obviously won't understand..
but the teacher very humorous...
so..HOPEFULLY..i can understand a little of it..
and hopefully she didn't go into the wrong class..
cause the sign outside is 1E3..

then is science...
the teacher came in..
he said : who is your form teacher?
us : mrs foo
he :oh..i thought that was 1E1's form teacher

us :this IS 1E1..
he :realli..isn't this 1E3..
us :no..
he :sorry wrong class...
--end of conversation---
then our REAL science teacher came in..
then she taught us..
and my textbook was...
REAL old..at LEAST 5 yrs..
cause it belonged to my cousin..
excellent right?
and end of science lesson..

then is CME..which is okay i guess..
it turns out...mrs foo is our CME teacher..
surprising..i thought it was somebody else..
and we had to bring another $10 to school tommorow
for our english stuff..
but we got homework ):
and when school ends..we stayed back to clean the classroom
which i did'nt do alot..

cos there was nothing to do...
and then its time to go home..
mrs foo told us that some of us were like..sitting around doing nothing...

then i went to compass point with jia hui
and went to KFC with her too...
and she ate cheese fries..
turns out that many people don't like _____
not going to say who..
then we took 159 together..
and i almost fell asleep in the bus..
so tired..but i didn't..
thank god..
gotta go..bye!

12:07 AM

Sunday, January 07, 2007


it totally rocks!woots!!!
1e1 sig cheer : we are the best
we are the best
we are the best from e1 ah..
we're here to show our power!power!power!
we are the best among the rest..

shall go from the 1st day of sch..but I STILL HIGH LEH!!!from the campfire!!!!aiyo....so fun..

1st day..
came 2 sch..gong gong one..jus folo evrybody..then wen we reach ther..nobody sitting down..so we stand ther wif the rest of e ppl..
the cher invited the studs 2 sit..then we all sit...then
national anthem..honestly..i dint even sing..
sch song..which i obviously dono..
then pledge..dey say v fast leh.
then chers and principal nag..
went bac 2 class..did some admin stuff..
then recess..eat like siao...then full full go hall assemble
one guy intro us 2 the stud leaders...
apparently..all the sec 1 were'nt even enthu at all..
so they guy was like..from 1E1.
your student leader are..
hui qing..sebastian...hao jie..and janet...
and he had 2 say
clap larh!
then we clapped...so enthu rite?
then they briefied us about the camp..i meant the chers..
me and grace were like..*yawns*and we chatted..
then the ice breakers..
hui qing were like..intro urself 2 the whole class..
and she started and apparently nobody wanted 2 shout..
so she was our loud hailer..
then she seperated us in2 2 grps..
then they used the canvas 2 make sure tt nobody could c which member tt grp were choosing..we were spose 2 shout out their name..
and soon it was my turn..then tt camera guy was like at e other side..and i was like..OMG!!!i turned away though..
---fast foward---
gt induction by e HOD of stud development..as usual..we were so so so bored..i almost fell asleep..
then it was lunch..
bt my recess was stil floating in my stomach..so were julie and sharifah..
bt hui qing was like...MUST FINISH UR FOOD!
so we forced our selves 2 eat..almos puked..cos i was so full
then went 2 the sch familiarization tour..and hui qing was obviously the tour guide..
and sebastian jus followed her..janet and hao jie went 2 help
the 3 handicapped studs in my class..
then at the art rms..hui qing asked sebast ( his nick) 2 say it...he jus held the paper in front of him and read out wad it said on the paper..
then we moved on...
---fast foward---
went back to the hall..
tt was wen 1e1 bcame a v noisy class...
the gg ppl were teaching us..bt i didnt shout..yet..
---fast foward--
another induction

debrief and go home..

day TWO..
came 2 sch (duh)
learn the dance steps..and sum revision..
then e team buildin games
free fall
human transport
thrust fall..
-free fall
started wif only 2 ppl supporting..so i was the supporter...then after tt we combined wif another grp it bcame 6 ppl..then i bcame e faller..and 5 ppl supported..
then hui qing hav 2 teach me how 2 fall..but almost vomitted blood..
cos i kept laughing..then wen angeline (i 4gt her name..ps) went past...hui qing ask her 2 be faller..cos nobody wan 2 be..then
gt one gal..eunice i think..laughed and then angeline fell towards her..
and she ALMOST fell..bt hui qing caught her in time..
hui qing reaction v fast leh..i oni stood ther watching..
then we asked mrs foo 2 bcome the faller..she dun wan so we were like
and she finally agreed the she fell and i bcame the supporter again...yay..

-human transporter..
faiz bcame the 1st person 2 be transported..
he shouted falling..
n then jus fell..w/o us sayin fall on..then we stood ther carrying him..cos e ppl in front duno how 1 move the person..so hui qing hav 2 teach us..
then he finally moved ovr e table..
---fast foward---
asked hui qing bt she dun wan..so we asked hao jie..at 1st he dun wan..
hao jie : i dun trust u all leh..
*oikos volunteer walked pass*

oikos volunteer : i help you check..
*oikos volunteer bends foward*
*all of us pull back our hand*
oikos voluteer : not safe..see i band foward..all of their go back.
tis shud b the conversation bahx..
but in the end..we transported him over..
then he said : want transport ..transport larh..why mus go up and down 1..
then grace told me..bcos gt turbulence..

-thrust fall
supporters just eside the table..
a person stand on the table and fall frm the table..and
the supporter mus catch dem...
sound scary..
then induction induction and more inductions..
and finally amazing race..
and during the race..hui qing was like..
oi!this is amazing rave lehx..not walking race lehx..
and i told grace..this is the amazing walk!...
the amazing distance we walked..
and finally finish liao..
hmm..we jus kept singin and cheering..
and grace thot tt it was tribal..but i dun care..SO FUN!!minus the amazing dist..
I FEEL GOOD...lead by hui qing..
and the bombs..
and the oui (how do u spell tt?)
then debrief and went home..

day THREE...
went 2 sch again..
then went 2 macritchie resovoir (pronounce as reso-VUA)
4 the stupid cross country walk-a-jog..
bt the bus ride ther very fun..
hui qing almost died of exhuastion..lol..
so mrs foo taught us e sch song...
and zapped hui qing alt of times cos she kept speaking chi..
which i dono y against e 'law'..
i oso kena..haix..
until now..speaking chi is btr than speaking eng..
and wen hui qing charged up..she became hyper again and taught us..the gako the frog cheer..
she told us nt 2 say the piong and in e end..oni
she and hao jie singing..cos the rest of us collapsed in heaps of laughter..
then wen we returned we can oni SEE the stud leader drink H2O..
then we got MORE inductions..
then lnch..then e CCA carnival..
went frm CCA to CCA..
and i had 2 sign up 4 choir tho..cos dey wan me 2..
1 pract i go see dem..bt i wun join larhx..
then wen we go 2 e band ther..
dey looked 4 me..cos i last time join band..
dey wan me 2 join cos dey gt nt enuff flautist..
and the plus is tt dey dun hav 2 train me frm scratch..since i oreadi hav e basics..
bt i stil v noob..if u compare me wif the sec sch ppl..
then we got ANOTHER induction and another..which i fell aslp 4 awhile oni..
then went back 2 class..gt our bklets back..
and did e survey thing..
and didnt noe tt u can put more than 1 class facilitator so i put 1 oni..
so srry sebastian hao jie and janet..cos i put hui qing..
then halfway thru..we took our class foto..
and we changed into camp tshirt and went 4 dinner..
the campfire rocks!!!
and then wen its time 2 go home..its like..AWW..
then waited for grace's mum..was using my hp..which was nt allowed by e sch..
and the discipline master walked pass me..and guess wad
he merely say..nxt time don bring ur fone..

hui qing : the most hyper of the 4...she shout and scream and jump like crazy...and the most known one cos she is the overall leader..and the whole class became hyper bcos of her...during the camp larhx..n i meant during the cheer...

sebastian : very quiet...as in really really quiet...look abit blur blur one oso..but very fun 2 'bully'..
to sebastian : sorry arhx..even tho i'm writing this while chattin wif ya..got a shock when i knew he was oni sec 2..

janet : the 2nd most popular..cos we listen 2 her one..most of the time..hmm..my future snr too!indirectly..cos she clarinetist..

hao jie :the cutest of the 4 ( again sorry sebastian)..he is QUITE cute..and i say QUITE only..gt a shock when i heard him speak..cos he look like those guai guai gentle gentle 1..bt wen he talk..like ah beng liddat..
this time srry hao jie..o^.^o

1:31 AM


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